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Garden city Bengaluru is fast emerging as Asia's Silicon Valley

  • Written By अनुभा जैन, लेखिका पत्रकार on Tuesday, May 21,2022

The green city Bengaluru is emerging as Asia’s Silicon Valley and an innovative metropolis with mushrooming of start-ups, plentiful hotels-pubs, lush green parks with unique theme-based restaurants. In between heavy traffic congestions on the roads, Bengaluru city has shown to be one of Asia’s fastest-growing IT hubs. With robust R&D laboratories, IT Colleges, and public sector firms, the city has significantly contributed to India's IT leadership in the world. Out of the 12 million people who call the city their home, nearly one million are developers. In a recent development, with a demand for more engineers, Ola shifted its headquarters to Bangalore after recognizing the city’s benefits. Bengaluru evolved into a hub for public sector industries – exclusively in aerospace, telecommunications, heavy equipment, space, and defence – and massive investments from the government too. This caused manufacturing giants like The Hindustan Aeronautics, The National Aerospace Laboratories, Bharat Heavy Electronics, and Indian Telephone Industries to have headquarters based in Bengaluru.

Later with time, through the rise in technical industries and scientific manpower, the wonderful infrastructure of the city, and plenty of resources, a great IT revolution in early 2000 was witnessed by this IT Hub. And, all these aspects attracted and led many multinational corporations to invest in Bengaluru preferably in the sectors like robotics, IT, manufacturing marketplaces. Apart from global giants like Amazon and Uber, the shift of Infosys’ headquarters from Pune to Bengaluru encouraged the setting up more IT companies like Cognizant, Texas Instruments, Wipro, Microsoft, SAP LABS, Accenture, and Infosys and created thousands of jobs.