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Pakistan has global reputation for terrorism India slams Pak PM Shehbaz Sharif's UNGA address

Articles Credit Goes to UNI INDIA

United Nations/New Delhi, Sep 28 (UNI) In a strong rebuttal, India slammed Pakistan for its tirade against it at the UN, reminding the world about Islamabad’s pandering to terrorism, of sheltering Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, of the genocide of millions of Bengalis in erstwhile East Pakistan, of ongoing persecution of its minorities, and its cross-border terrorist attacks against India.

Attacking Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif for his speech at the UNGA targeting India where he raked up the Kashmir issue and accused New Delhi of “Islamophobia”, young Indian diplomat Bhavika Mangalanandan took to the floor to remind the world about the “travesty” of a country that is run by the military, and has “a global reputation for terrorism, narcotics trade and transnational crime”, to have the “audacity to attack the world’s largest democracy”.

She reminded the world about Islamabad using cross-border terrorism as a weapon against India, of the 2001 Parliament attack carried out by Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed, of the 2008 Mumbai attacks carried out by the Pak-based LeT, and other terror attacks on India.

“The list is long (of terror attacks against India). For such a country to speak about violence anywhere is hypocrisy at its worst,” she said.

“It is even more extraordinary for a country with a history of rigged elections to talk about political choices, that too in a democracy,” she said, even as the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf of former Pakistan PM Imran Khan has continuously alleged that the February 2024 general elections in Pakistan were rigged to keep out his party, which enjoys mass support.

“The real truth is that Pakistan covets our territory, and in fact has continuously used terrorism to disrupt elections in Jammu and Kashmir, an inalienable and integral part of India,” said Mangalanandan.

“A reference has been made to some proposal of strategic restraint. There can be no compact with terrorism. In fact, Pakistan should realise that cross border terrorism against India will inevitably invite consequences.”

“It is ridiculous that a nation that committed genocide in 1971 and a nation which persecutes its minorities even now dares speak about intolerances and phobia. The world can see for itself what Pakistan really is,” she stated.

“We are talking about a nation that for long hosted Osama bin Laden. A country whose finger prints are on so many terrorist incidents across the world, a country whose policies attract the dregs of many societies to make it their home.

“Perhaps it should come as no surprise that its prime minister would so speak in this hallowed hall.

“Yet we must make clear how unacceptable his words are to all of us.

“We know that Pakistan would seek to counter the truth with more lies.

“Repetition will change nothing. Our stand is clear and needs no reiteration,” she said firmly.