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Rosatom ships reactor vessel for KNPP Unit-6 in TN

Chennai, Feb 1 (UNI) The Atommash plant (Rosatom’s Mechanical Engineering division) has

shipped a VVER-1000 reactor vessel for delivery for Unit 6 of the Russian-design Kudankulam

Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP), which was under construction in southern Tamil Nadu, India.

The equipment weighing 320 tons is being transported to the construction site.

Before its maritime journey, the equipment was delivered to the plant’s dock by specialized

motorized transport.

Once there, it was loaded onto a river vessel and transported to the seaport of Novorossiysk.

Upon arrival at the port, the reactor was loaded into the ship hold to make its 6,000 mile voyage

to India, Rosatom said in a press release.

“Despite our strong position in the nuclear world, we remain committed to continuous

development. We are actively improving equipment design to guarantee the highest level

of safety, and enhancing the economic efficiency of our products", Valery Kryzhanovsky,

General Designer of OKB GIDROPRESS JSC, said.

"At present, we are working on a new NPP reactor unit with increased capacity and advanced

operational characteristics. This new unit will also feature improved technical and economic

performance,” he noted.

In accordance with the production schedule, a set of four steam generators for Unit 6 at the

KNPP in India will be shipped in 2025.

MORE UNI GV 0710/0720